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Dream Atelier

The Difference Between Vanity and Self-Esteem

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • Vanity and self-esteem make a significant difference when talking about your achievements to others.
  • Vanity is obsessed with the approval of others, while self-esteem stems from genuine pride in your accomplishments.
  • True self-esteem has a positive impact on others, and unshakeable self-esteem in which you affirm your own worth is an important condition for happiness.

When you talk about your work, whether it's a drawing or a piece of writing, to others, there's an inevitable nuance of pride that you've hidden within it. The key here is to discern whether that pride stems from vanity or genuine self-esteem.

A person with a strong vanity has a clear intention to show off their achievements, which is clearly revealed in the flow of conversation. In contrast, the pride of a person with self-esteem comes from their genuine pride and gratitude for their achievements.

This difference is clearly conveyed to the listener. Vanity mainly values external recognition and the gaze of others, while self-esteem places more value on internal satisfaction and self-realization.

A Writer Trimming his Pen (1784)_Jan Ekels the Younger (Dutch, 1759-1793)

Ultimately, when sharing your achievements, the difference between vanity and self-esteem comes down to what values you place more emphasis on. If you truly love your accomplishments and cherish the lessons and experiences you gained along the way, that's true self-esteem, and it will have a positive impact on others.

▶ Delusions of expecting something from the hearts of those we don't know at all make us unhappy. Instead, we should not care what others think. Greed and attachment lie at the root of this.

▶ If vanity is the desire to receive applause from others that is better than our original appearance, then self-esteem is a firm conviction of the advantages we possess. If vanity is a hope that rests on the hearts of others, then self-esteem is a direct, high evaluation of oneself that comes from one's own heart. Anyone can have it if they are confident in their own strengths and values.

▶ Unshakable self-esteem, where you affirm your own worth, is the most important condition for happiness.

-Kang Yong-soo, Schopenhauer at Forty

Dream Atelier
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