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Dream Atelier

How to Break Free From Self-Criticism and Self-Censorship

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • While there are negative inner voices in the creative process, you can overcome your fears by continuing to work.
  • You are the only one who can decide the outcome of your work, so you should devote yourself to creating with all your might.
  • The person who creates consistently can bring about positive change to themselves and the world.

Fragrant Flower (1895)_Clara Hoffman (American, 1862-1897)

When you engage in creative activities, including writing, you often hear negative voices within you.

Do you really think people will like your work?

Do you know how many people are better than you?

What if you work hard but fail in the end?

It's not unusual to hear these voices when you're creative.

Julia Cameron, author of , called this self-criticism and self-censorship the inner critic.

Everyone goes through a period of self-criticism and self-censorship.

It's hard for an ordinary person to completely erase negative voices.

But we can continue to create even with those negative voices around.

'I'll do it myself, so be quiet.'

Just say it coldly and do your job quietly.


Mary Corita Kent, an artist and nun, said, 'The only rule is work. If you work, something will happen. Keep working and you will eventually understand the work.'

Jerry Saltz, a Pulitzer Prize-winning author, also said,The only way to overcome the obstacle of fear of failure is to just keep going.'

I did too.

When I won a contest with my first work, I heard the voice inside me saying, 'Can I really do it?' I just wrote and wrote.

The result of the creative work you make is not an area that you can decide on your own.

We just need to pour our best into the present and leave the rest to heaven.

If you hear a negative voice inside you today, let's do our best until it goes away.

By working, people can banish the curse of fear and blow away negative energy.

Action is the only true answer.

The path of creation can be lonely and difficult at times.

However, all the challenges and negative voices we encounter as we walk this path ultimately become opportunities for us to grow into stronger and more creative artists.

No one can predict what impact your work will have on the world, or what changes it will bring to someone's heart. 

So put fear aside and tell your story calmly.

Keep creating, dreaming, and moving forward.

Those who create consistently will ultimately bring positive changes to themselves and the world.

Dream Atelier
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