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Dream Atelier

Slow Down, It's Okay! (Andante)

  • Writing language: Korean
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Summarized by durumis AI

  • Surrounded by expectations of quick success and growth, I felt a sense of urgency, but I realized the importance of living life at my own pace.
  • Instead of conforming to the speed others desire, I am finding true happiness and creating my own life by doing things that are meaningful to me, one step at a time.
  • I continue on my journey, discovering small joys while living a slow, yet deep, life like an Andante. I will continue to write my own story at my own pace.

Fast success, fast growth. A story from a world a little different from mine.

I am slow, but that doesn't mean I am lazy. There were many people around me who succeeded quickly, and sometimes I was told, "Why can't you do more than that?" Naturally, I felt impatient, but it didn't make me grow faster. Sometimes I felt like I was suffocating from the question, "Who am I working for?" Looking back, the time I spent living at the pace that others wanted was tough, but I learned a lot from the process.

I don't dislike the fast growth and success that the world demands. I also like fast growth and welcome it anytime. However, I don't want to live "as others want me to." What others want feels like clothes that don't fit me. If I try to fit into other people's standards, I lose myself and it becomes difficult to find true happiness. Now I know what I want and what is truly meaningful to me, so I draw a line when people have unreasonable expectations of me.

Andante : At a slow or leisurely pace

I am walking through my life at the pace of andante. Even if it's slow, I am taking each step meaningfully. This pace gives me time, and in that time, I have the opportunity to find myself. I am creating ways to feel true happiness by thinking about the things I love.

Now I am living by respecting my own pace, putting aside the pressure and impatience that others give me. I've realized that it's more important to move forward steadily, even if it's slow. In this process, I find what I truly want and rebuild the meaning of my life.

Like the rhythm of the music called andante, my life flows that way. In a world that rushes by, I am living a life of depth even if it is slow, and continuing my journey to find small happinesses. Ultimately, the pace of life is something I adjust for myself, and I am writing my story within that pace. I believe that my pace will make me even richer.

Dream Atelier
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