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Dream Atelier

Living Hard is a Beautiful Thing

  • Writing language: Korean
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Summarized by durumis AI

  • It talks about how to increase life satisfaction through small successes rather than big successes every day, emphasizing that you can enrich your life through small happiness such as writing a diary, laughing with your family, and reading books.
  • It introduces the process of discovering oneself and finding meaning in life through small successes, expressing the belief that daily efforts will eventually lead to greater achievements.
  • It delivers a positive message that if you cherish small successes and keep trying, you can become a more beautiful and radiant being.

Is there anyone who lives their day with huge successes every day?

There may be, but I'm filling my life with small successes, not big ones every day. Sometimes I wondered, 'Can I call this a success?' But now I know better than anyone that those small successes are making me prettier today.

I write a diary in the morning and open a book for transcription. I move a little more diligently than others and fill the blank space with letters. It's a simple thing, but this light routine makes my day start positively. Also, sharing small laughter with family or reading a page of my own book during a short break, these small moments add up to increase my happiness in life.

When I look back on the day in the evening, I feel warm thinking about the small things I have achieved. What did I focus on today? What problems did I solve? Or maybe what I was able to help someone with. These moments accumulate and make me shine more.

Working hard is not just about achieving great results. Rather, isn't it true passion to acknowledge and cherish the small successes of every day? Small successes make my life richer, and I find myself in those small successes.

Now I've come to believe that small successes make me prettier and more special. I realized that every day's small efforts eventually make my life more meaningful. That's why I want to remember that I'm beautiful and hardworking, while enjoying the small successes.

If I live cherishing the small achievements of every day, I believe that someday all those moments will come to mean more. As I accumulate these small but precious moments, I am becoming a more beautiful and radiant being.

Dream Atelier
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