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Dream Atelier

Just write it down, even if it's a terrible idea

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • It emphasizes that even if you think the idea is terrible, you can keep developing it, and delivers the message that you can create good writing by writing first and then refining it rather than trying to write a perfect piece from the start.
  • It specifically mentions the book 'Readersbook', which is full of honest advice on creativity and ideas, making it a good recommendation for anyone involved in creative activities, including writing.
  • Ultimately, the important thing is to not be afraid of 'terrible' ideas and to keep developing them consistently, and 'Readersbook' is a good book that can help with this effort.

Despair_Bertha Wegmann (Danish, 1847–1926)

'Terrible' ideas are not going to get worse. They can only get better. (p388)

Who writes a good article every day, a great idea? Even if it's terrible, write it. Even if it's 'terrible', just write it, polish it, and polish it again.

I keep discovering honest passages about creativity and ideas while reading (Readers Book). It is a book I want to give to not only writers but also anyone engaged in creative activities.

Dream Atelier
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